Other services

  • Podcasts

    As technology changes the world around us, organizations are looking for new ways to provide information with maximum engagement and effectiveness. Podcasts are one of the most flexible and versatile learning tools, providing important information in an easily digestible way, accessible from anywhere. All your learners need is a phone.

    Our training podcasts are professionally produced and are hosted by ex-journalists experienced at getting the best out of interview subjects.

  • Content writing

    We'll create fresh content specifically for your business, talk to team members, research industry trends and deliver to a regular timetable - taking all the hassle out of writing a blog, newsletter, or other copy.

    Services include:

    • newsletters: engaging original news copy

    • blogs: ongoing or one-off

    • advertising copy: advertorials and paid articles

    • managing your social media or website updates

    • readable, SEO-optimised web copy

    • keeping on top of your customer database

    • finding stock images to go with text.

  • Technical writing

    Our experienced technical writers will work with you to create clear, plain English text for your business or organisation. We specialise in the following three strands:

    • Bids and proposals: tenders that stand out.

    • Case studies: showcase your work.

    • Instruction design: writing that helps people learn.

    • Web content: translating your complex concepts into plain English so all readers can understand your business or organisation.

  • Graphic design

    Our graphic designers work quickly and efficiently. We specialise in three graphic design services:

    Rebranding: refresh your logo and colours.

    Print: advertisements for magazines and newspapers.

    Illustration: original artwork for your company.

    We can help you with:

    • Annual reports

    • Information and education campaigns

    • Flip charts

    • Advertising

    • Prospectuses

    • Work books for training

    • Marketing collateral

    • Newsletters

    • Annual plans.